Awaken Your Inner Child And Have Fun With Your Children

Wake up your inner child and have fun with your children

Putting the worries of adulthood aside to relax a little is something that all mothers should do often with our little ones; Stress is never a good companion, so awaken your inner child and have fun with your children.

In this post we will share some recommendations that you can do to have a little more fun with the kings of the house and free that child that we all carry inside but that for home or work obligations, daily tasks, concerns about bills and money. tired, we do not let out.

Wake up your inner child without the need for complicated mental exercises or great efforts. On the contrary, awakening your inner child can be easier and more liberating than it really seems.

Try to see in retrospect what were those things that entertained you as a child, that made you smile and try to put them into practice, this time in the company of your little ones.

Don’t let stress consume all your energy


When we are children it seems that time does not pass, we invest all our energy and time in learning, laughing and playing, we do not spare a second when it comes to having fun.

No matter how late it is, if there is school tomorrow or even if we feel some physical discomfort, as children we always find space to entertain ourselves.

Although we do not want to, this is changing. As the years go by, we mature and we become adults full of multiple responsibilities, dozens of worries, and daily stress occupy an important part of our lives.

As we grow, we also go after increasingly ambitious goals that we strive to conquer and that once achieved undoubtedly make us feel happy.

However, during this stage called adulthood, we lose that childhood that we should all keep until we are wrinkled and become grandparents.

Awaken your inner child

Wake up your inner child 2

Awakening your inner child and having fun with your children will not only strengthen family ties, it will also make you and your children healthier, happier and more sociable. Experimenting is the key.

We were children one day, so connecting and awakening that inner child that we carry within does not have to be a complex task.

We already said that remembering and replicating those things that made you happy as a child is a good exercise, go ahead and put it into practice and you will notice how it contributes to your physical and emotional well-being.

There is a better way to awaken that child in you, but it is so obvious that sometimes we do not see it: connect with the occurrences, joys and even eccentricities of your own children.

The sense of adventure, imagination, creativity and spontaneity are those traits that you should imitate in your children.

Even when you are aware that good sense should never be neglected, that you relax a little and let yourself be carried away by the joys of a moment with your children will not hurt anyone.

Sometimes getting carried away costs a bit, after all you are an adult and you may fear being judged for having a more light-hearted behavior. The key is to let go, be willing to enjoy your children and each shared experience as much as they do.

Ways to have fun with your kids

Each family is unique and particular, but as the saying goes “between tastes and colors the authors have not written”, just find the activity that they like the most, the possibilities are endless.

Here we leave you a list of some things you can do to have fun with your little ones, plans that only need time and desire. Just go and wake up your inner child:

  • Organize a soccer game or your favorite sport, involving adults and children
  • Make up fantastic stories, build characters and plots from each other’s ideas, or read your favorite story to them
  • Board games are an excellent option to have a super fun time
  • Play cat and mouse or hide and seek, you will surely laugh a lot
  • A pillow fight is an excellent and very clever idea.
  • Cook together, from cookies to dinner
  • Plan a day of camping, it doesn’t have to be far, even the patio could be the perfect setting
  • Dance together, from rock and roll to a waltz
  • Dress up, open the closet and let your imagination run wild
  • Allow yourselves one day to play and run in the rain.

In the future, your little ones, who will no longer be so young, will thank you for taking the time to live and enhance each of their most pleasant life experiences.

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