Advantages Of Getting Pregnant In Winter

If planning is possible, getting pregnant in winter is always a good option. Each pregnancy can have its own characteristics and each woman too. But there are some decisive influencing factors.
Advantages of getting pregnant in winter

When planning is an option, getting pregnant in winter is an alternative with a few benefits. It is clear that each woman lives her experience differently. However, the balance tends to be favorable in this equation most of the time.

What would be the ideal date to conceive? Thinking about the health and well-being of the pregnant mother and the baby, it would be best to achieve this in the last months of winter. In this way, the last quarter would pass in a pleasant climate, without reaching extreme heat.

Pregnancy and heat: an antagonistic pair

During pregnancy, the internal temperature of women increases. If the heat already generates discomfort, swollen feet, contraction of blood vessels to cool the body, among other natural mechanisms, during pregnancy these discomforts multiply.

In the last trimester of pregnancy the body begins to swell up and down. It is very common that even the feet do not fit in the most informal footwear … Not to mention rigid shoes! If an atmosphere of high temperatures is added to this situation, stress can be a clear consequence.

This heat-generated exhaustion can produce certain hormones in the pregnant woman, such as prostaglandin and oxytocin, which can cause childbirth. In fact, premature births in midsummer are too frequent not to beware of excessive heat.

Advantages of getting pregnant in winter

It is understandable that, considering the risks of excessive heat during the last three months of gestation, the benefits of becoming pregnant in winter should at least be considered. It is necessary to control the stages of pregnancy and in what seasons they will take place.

Advantages of getting pregnant in winter.
  • The first is the ability to enjoy the belly from start to finish.
  • Avoid swelling: fluid retention generates a certain heaviness in pregnant women, which is accentuated in summer. On the other hand, in a cool climate, these symptoms are considerably reduced.
  • Less dizziness – The cardiovascular system is known to speed up during pregnancy. The heart increases the rate of pumping blood, which, in turn, increases its volume by up to 50%. These changes can cause dizziness, which increases on hot days.
  • Comfort in movement: walks are very necessary during pregnancy, as they help reduce all the symptoms of this state. If the weather is nice and cool, the exercises are performed with less risk and greater comfort.
  • Better night’s rest : The last trimester of pregnancy is famous for how difficult it is to fall asleep. If heat is added to the heaviness, leg cramps and dizziness that may arise, the risk of stress increases.
  • Better circulation, fewer varicose veins : As the uterus grows, circulation slows down. The pressure on the veins prevents an adequate flow of that excess blood that arises in the body. If you add to this the poor circulation caused by a very hot climate, it is easy for varicose veins to develop.

    Other advantages of getting pregnant in winter

    It is proven that health benefits conceiving the baby in winter and giving birth on warm days. Thus, it is worth considering the benefits of becoming pregnant in winter in a purely practical sense.

    Baggy clothes look very elegant on Mom’s belly: not counting the unsurpassed comfort of stretch pants. It will also be practical to find all those beloved summer clothes and wear them again with the child in your arms.

    Taking a walk in a milder temperature is one of the advantages of getting pregnant in winter.

    Finally, do not forget the benefits of getting pregnant in winter from the baby’s point of view. A baby born in the summer will run less risk of catching colds or any typical winter illness. In addition, the summer sun will reach the child with an abundance of vitamin D, benefiting his muscles and bones.

    In conclusion, a healthy pregnancy, well cared for and with a typical evolution, can be happier and more bearable when the last months pass before the intense heat. Anyway, you have to take it easy, planning a pregnancy is not something that is done every day: accuracy does not rule in these cases.

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