The Importance Of Knowing Children’s Rights

Children have many rights, and it is important to know them in depth. There may be situations in which they are violated by the simple fact of having authority over them, and this can have several consequences. We explain it to you.
The importance of knowing children's rights

Defending our son is a priority. Here we explain some reasons why you should know your rights.

As human beings we all have rights. However, children have their own which are adjusted to their particular reality. In fact, in front of the right  national and international, they are priority subjects and protection.

For this reason, their guarantees are a priority for all the adults around them. As parents we must not only know their rights, but it is also vital to teach them to them, so that they are aware of these .

Here are 5 reasons to keep in mind regarding the rights of your offspring.

The child is a thinking being who deserves respect for his guarantees

1. Respect our children as adults

Many times we believe that because we are adults we know everything. When it comes time to have children we think that they just have to be obedient, because we assume they don’t know “enough”.

There is nothing further from reality than this idea. The little ones , they see, feel, suffer and draw their own conclusions from their capacities. Although they have limited concepts, they can understand what is happening around them.

Most of the time we forget the importance of listening to them and having their voice respected. So , reading your rights allow us to remember that you are conscious beings and that your opinion also has weight .

Raising a child aware of his freedom is guaranteeing a good citizen in the future

2. Do not forget that they are free beings

Little girl in her new bedroom

However small they are, children are free and this is established in the declaration of their rights. This principle is contained in various national laws and constitutions. Freedom cannot be a dead letter, it is real and legal.

Every child is under the care and responsibility of their parents. This means that we are not their owners, but their protectors and guarantors of their well-being. As parents we must never censor or deprive them of what belongs to them.

On the contrary, our job is to understand them and give them the tools so that they can progressively use their freedoms in the future. This notion is sometimes forgotten when we exercise some role of authority. Great care!

Let’s help reduce violations of the rights of minors

3. Defend children with violated rights

Most of us treat our children with great love and fulfill their basic and complementary needs. However, We have all seen a child in a precarious situation or victim of some abuse.

The truth is that there are abandoned, poorly cared for, mistreated and deprived infants everywhere. There are parents who do not treat their own children well and we see them on the streets every day. Let’s not be accomplices and report these cases !

As adults it is possible to take care of all children. If we observe a little one going through this type of predicament our duty is to contact the authorities and report  to the guilty. You could save an innocent life at any moment.

An attention makes the difference between life and death

4. Give them advantages in the face of difficulties

It is very common to cite the right that corresponds “to what a child should be among the first to receive help in any circumstance ”. This shows that they are the social priority in any emergency.

For example, your little one has health problems and requires emergency care, The medical center to which they go is obliged to attend them  immediately . Neither money nor the number of people should get in the way when it comes to children.

The same is true for any crime, abuse, need for legal advice and natural catastrophe. Firstly, because they are very weak and secondly, they are the future.

Motivate him to learn and you will reinforce his protective instinct

5. For you to teach them and help them protect themselves


Ideally, as a mother  First you will learn them and then you teach them so that the child is clear about them. By knowing your rights, Your little one will understand how valuable he is and his self-esteem will increase to 100%.

Later they will be the vigilantes of their rights, preventing other people from hurting them. Your child will inform you of any irregular situation that happens to him and that will allow you to act to defend him .

Soon they will also pass on their teachings to their friends. This is like a chain of wills that will optimize the protection of our spoiled ones. Building a better world is in your hands.

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