Keys To Raising Twins And Twins

If you are faced with the challenge of being the father of twins, always remember that the most important thing is to encourage them to develop their own personality separately.
Keys to raising twins and twins

There is no doubt that the arrival of a child is a before and after in the life of any parent. Being part of the development process of another human being is as demanding as it is rewarding. However, all of these challenges are doubled when it comes to raising twins and twins.

More and more multiple births

The number of multiple pregnancies has been growing exponentially in recent years. Our country is at the forefront of Europe in this regard, reaching even 5% the rate of children born to twins and triples.

This situation finds its main cause in the delay of the age to be a mother. Due to the current socio-labor conditions, more and more women decide to postpone the moment of conceiving, with the average age of first motherhood being around 31 years.

Older age is undoubtedly a factor that multiplies the chances of having a double pregnancy naturally. But no less relevant is the role that assisted reproduction plays in this equation.

Over the years, the difficulty of getting pregnant increases, causing many women and couples to resort to in vitro fertilization and other similar techniques. Procedures that greatly increase the likelihood of twin pregnancies.

Keys to raising twins and twins.

Twins are coming!

While it is true that we colloquially refer to twins as identical siblings who share DNA, twins also fall into this category. Being the first twins monozygotic and the second dizygotic twins, the impact that the news of their arrival causes on future parents is comparable.

Each case with its peculiarities, the truth is that,  in most couples, this unexpected event can generate fear, insecurity or rejection. Faced with something as unforeseen as the challenge of raising twins and twins, it is common for the feeling of not feeling capable of caring for two babies at the same time.

Keys to raising twins and twins

For all these reasons, we want to offer you some guidelines so that you can enjoy this motherhood twice as much as possible.

  • Try to get everything ready before the seventh month of pregnancy. It is very common for twins to end up being premature and, when the babies arrive, you will only have time to care for them. It’s better to prevent.
  • Be patient with your babies, with your partner, and with yourself. It is common for the first months after delivery to feel overwhelmed or overwhelmed, and the feeling of fullness that you expected takes a while to appear. Don’t feel guilty, you are learning to be a mother of two and doing the best you can. Also, remember that your partner is in the same boat.
  • Organization and priorities. Being strict with a routine can save your life in this situation. Trying to fit your and your children’s schedules into a pattern will help you feel like you are in control of your own life. On the other hand, remember that the important thing now is you and your babies, and that having the house a little more disorganized for a few months will not make the world fall apart.
  • Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to turn to your loved ones when you need it. Being able to make time for your other roles as woman and wife will make you feel emotionally healthier and happier.
    Keys to raising twins and twins.

The same but different: raising twins and twins

But undoubtedly the most important key of all is being able to nurture your individuality. When dealing with twins or twins, there is a frequent tendency to treat them as a block. However, each one needs to fully develop his personality separately.

For this, it is important to carry out guidelines as simple as dressing them differently or referring to them by name and not as “the twins”. It is also essential to respect and encourage their freedom of choice : when choosing toys, extracurricular classes or hobbies, we must encourage the particular tastes of each one.

Finally, one of the most important things is to focus on developing ties separately. It is necessary that both the father and the mother distribute their attention and their time between both infants, that they carry out activities alone and, above all, that they value the virtues and errors of each child individually, and avoid making comparisons as much as possible among them.

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