Discover The Benefits Of Obstetric Physiotherapy

Discover the benefits of obstetric physiotherapy

Obstetric physiotherapy is a branch of health that contributes to the well-being of mother and child during pregnancy. Its scope also allows a successful recovery after childbirth, because it focuses on musculoskeletal function.

This type of therapy can accompany the woman during all stages of pregnancy, as long as they are performed by professionals. Not only are they intended to adjust the body for childbirth, but they also help alleviate some pregnancy discomforts.

From different aspects, the woman’s body can suffer as a result of the changes typical of pregnancy. Therefore, the development of certain pathologies is common. To a great extent, aches and pains can be alleviated by taking external measures. For example, exercise and body postures can harm us if we do not improve them.

What is obstetric physiotherapy?

It is a specialty that contributes to the improvement of muscles and bones through the application of preventive and therapeutic treatments in pregnant women. The purpose of its techniques is to improve the physical conditions of women in all stages of pregnancy.

The functions covered by these therapies are as follows.

  • Musculoskeletal
  • Myofascial
  • Osteoarticular
  • Pelvic floor mobility

To apply the main techniques of obstetric physiotherapy, it is very important to go to a professional, since it is complex. However, the idea of ​​therapy as such is for people to get to know their body and educate themselves on the proper postures.

This type of therapy re-educates women to carry out routines designed to strengthen their bodies and prevent pathologies. In this sense, because they are pregnant, they can improve the discomfort of this stage.

Obstetric physiotherapy according to the stage of pregnancy

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There comes a time in pregnancy where a woman may feel too exhausted. For example, when fluid retention occurs or the weight of pregnancy hurts our bones. In these cases, it is very convenient to consider some physiotherapy sessions. These sessions are nothing more than stimulating, preventive and, in many cases, analgesic massages.

Depending on the stage of pregnancy and the particular situation of each woman, one of these massages is suitable. There are those designed to relieve pain in the back and legs. Others are recommended to stimulate the pelvic floor and prepare it for childbirth. However, this does not end there, since they are usually very helpful in the postpartum period.

According to physiotherapists, postpartum treatment is quite convenient. We know that our muscles and bones are altered in pregnancy and peak in childbirth. The physiotherapy helps restore normal lumbo-pelvic area, one of the most affected during the process.

An obstetric physical therapy consultation is suitable at any stage of pregnancy. Specialists consider that a woman has a duty and a need to prepare for childbirth. It is a very convenient preventive program, because childbirth is complex for the body.

The mobility and effort of the pelvic floor in the hard moment of childbirth can be improved through this type of therapy. However, the success of treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis. That is why physiotherapists specialized in obstetrics must evaluate the woman’s anatomy, her history and the details of the pregnancy.

Participation of the obstetric physiotherapist in pregnancy

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Visits to the physical therapist can start from the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. A consultation with this specialist is convenient when we are having pain or just to prevent. However, your participation is very important throughout the process.

This professional educates us on the importance of body posture, mobility and preparation of muscles and bones. Therefore, even when we do not receive physical therapy, we can go to this for advice in this regard.

The obstetric physiotherapist is not present at the birth, for this the midwives are destined. For this reason, it is convenient to go to this as prevention before the imminent dilation. Therefore, the preparation of the perineal area is essential for the future mother, but it will touch her alone. In this sense, the education that you may have received in advance is recommended.

After the baby is born, the physiotherapist returns to the ring. Postpartum, the body needs to recover, which it will do much better if you have been counseled during pregnancy. However, the new mother’s body has changed, so she needs a different therapy.

On this occasion, it is necessary to intervene in the normalization of the altered joints in the pelvic region. Hypopressive gymnastics is also recommended to reduce the abdomen. In addition, the posture for breastfeeding and to hold the baby is assessed and corrected.

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