Positive Discipline, The Basis For Instilling Respect

Positive discipline, the basis for instilling respect

At all times, mothers are concerned with instilling respect in their children. Now, with the naked eye, several faults can be detected. For the minor to respect parents, peers and third parties, positive discipline is essential.

Ask yourself how many times you explained to your child the importance of respecting himself. Think then: if a person is not capable of respecting himself, what does he have in store for the rest? In the same way, it becomes essential to reflect on our position and actions in this regard.

Do you respect yourself? Do you do it when you access what you don’t want to do? Be it out of commitment, beliefs, habit, conformity or to appease spirits, you usually say yes when in reality you should deny yourself. Isn’t that a way of disrespecting yourself?

So, extrapolating this same thing to the child’s daily life: When you force him to give affection when he doesn’t feel like doing it, don’t you encourage that lack of self-respect? Positive discipline consists precisely in evaluating our parenting policy and actions to educate by example.

Respect is born in and for oneself

“Because I said so, period” , is one of the many most common catchphrases among those parents who give orders, impose and force. Hand in hand with these unproductive methods are threats, physical punishments and reward systems that tend to say no, to go against what they really want.

Early childhood specialists insist: the child sure in himself, with good self-esteem and who knows what he wants, will end up refusing. You can promise, commit and try, but sooner or later it will gain its essence, and you know it well.

These are the children that he will decide for himself, choosing then the how, when and the way but assuming the consequences of his choice. This, although it brings green gray hair to many parents, is a blessing because it speaks of their own respect and love, which makes a wick in society.


Of course, positive discipline does not imply the abolition of norms and the closing of limits at all. Undoubtedly, we are talking about two elements that are as indisputable as they are indispensable in raising every little one. As long as the decisions of all parties involved are respected.

Positive discipline, the basis of respect

It is undeniable, positive discipline has multiple benefits in the development of children. Although it may be hard to believe, an education as kind as it is firm successfully achieves a considerable increase in children’s self-esteem.

By being controlling, conservative and invasive parents, we prevent the little ones from making basic and simple decisions for themselves. Why, if mom and dad are there to provide the solution to the problem, no matter how elementary it may be?

Surely, before each error, the parents will go to repair it. What is badly done will thus be a punishment for the minor. Of course, in the meantime the adults pay the bill. Likewise, there will be material prizes everywhere for small achievements, and also – why not – some blackmail.

Now ask yourself what will happen the day they cannot attend the minor. Will the child know what is the right thing to do, what to do, will he be able to deal with his problem? Certainly, your child will be alone and without knowing how to act.


Obviously, as parents, we always try to do the best for our children. However, despite giving everything for those little pieces of our being, we must understand how harmful it is to exercise such strict control over the child.

They established military limits because their children did not behave as they wanted. In this way, they managed to have that obedient son who meticulously does everything they say. Parents often influenced by third parties who, as we well know, are not always good advisers.

It is understandable: you love your child with all your might, you want to protect him forever, and you seek his eternal happiness. For this reason, we insist, it is not the way. The bottom line here is, through positive discipline, instilling respect. But this is achieved once he respects himself.

How do you get it? It is very simple. From a very young age, teach him that his opinion is important and worth a lot, encourage him to say no when he feels it is. Show him that mistakes are learned and that falls serve to get up and gain momentum. Explain that nothing good can be done with fear.

It is not about removing each and every one of the stones that crosses his path, but about becoming his support when he stumbles on his way. Show him the way and accompany him but, fundamentally, convey to him how he should deal with those stones.

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