How To Enhance The Personality Of A Three-year-old Child

How to enhance the personality of a three-year-old child

Three-year-olds are a whirlwind of innocent wisdom and impulsiveness. There are many activities that can be done to enhance the social and emotional development of a child who is three years old.

He may have an imaginary friend so don’t be surprised if he tells you to put one more plate on the table to eat. This does not mean that your child is unstable, just that he has a great personality. 

Imaginary friends appear in children who are prone to being creative, corporate, cheerful, independent, and happy.

An imaginary friend can be a human or an animal, they usually have a different name and personality than your child. But it certainly helps children develop their personalities and even control their impulses and improve their social skills.

This does not mean that if your child does not have an imaginary friend, he cannot develop a great personality, far from it.

For a child to develop a good personality and enjoy good self-esteem and self-concept, it is necessary for parents to play an active role of respect and empathy for the needs of the little ones, always set with clear limits and rules for the age of three. .

How to enhance the personality of a three-year-old child

If you have an imaginary friend …

If your child has an imaginary friend, it is important that you be respectful to him or her and above all, that you do not try to manipulate the actions or feelings of your children through the imaginary friend.

For example, to avoid problems or arguments avoid phrases such as: ‘Eat all the lentils because’ x ‘also likes them and has eaten them all’. Respect the relationship but don’t get involved.

Your children know that deep down it is an imaginary creation, it can be quite alarming for a child if you talk about his imaginary friend as if he were real …

This can confuse you. Imaginary friends usually disappear when children are between 6 and 7 years old, when little ones begin to see reality more accurately and magical thinking begins to fade.

Boost your self-esteem

To enhance children’s self-esteem it is necessary for them to know that they are capable of doing what they set out to do and for this, they must know that you trust their possibilities, without ever comparing them with other children. Parents need to identify and highlight the child’s strengths. There are several ways to identify and highlight the strengths of the child, some of these ways are:

  • Provide your child with responsibilities at home, helping you with cooking and cleaning tasks, for example
  • Give your child the opportunity to interact
  • Teach your children good manners to improve their self-esteem
  • Respect his emotions and help him understand them by naming each one of them the moment he feels them
  • If she has intense emotions, find solutions together to make her feel better

Respect, trust and security

In order for a child to develop a strong personality, he must believe in himself, respect himself and trust in his possibilities. For this to happen it is very important that both parents do their part and show the child respect, trust and security. A child needs to feel protected at home and these three pillars are basic.

For your 3-year-old to feel respect, trust and security on your part, it will be necessary for you to treat him by empathizing with his emotions and controlling your mood, especially on days when you feel more tired or moody.

Talking to your child about how they are feeling is a good start, even if you think they don’t quite understand you at three years old.

At three years old, they are able to understand some of their own and other people’s emotions, therefore, it is the best time to start working on them at times when it is necessary, such as in moments of temper tantrums or emotional tension.

All this will help you to enhance your personality because you will know yourself better and will be able to self-regulate in the future and find solutions to feel good about yourself and your environment.

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