Relive The Youth Series Of The 90s

With these youth series from the 90s you will get nostalgic when you remember your adolescence.
Relive the youth series of the 90s

Can you imagine being 12 or 15 years old again, coming home from high school or school and enjoying a good television series? Reliving past moments of a person’s life, and more specifically those that belong to childhood and adolescence, are always liked by adults. For this reason, today we focus on the youth series of the 90s, one of the decades that most stand out in history due to the advances and changes that occurred in it.

Make popcorn and enjoy some of the series that you liked the most during adolescence. We started!

Youth series of the 90s

The prince of Bel Air

One of the most outstanding youth series of the 90s that is already among the best series in the history of television is the one starring Will Smith.

From the catchy rap sung by the protagonist that gave tune to the series, through the dances of Carlton Banks or the seriousness and at the same time sympathy of his uncle Phillip Banks made this series become one of the most important in history.

The Prince of Bel-Air, one of the most famous youth series of the 90s.
© Issued by National Broadcasting Company (NBC); National Broadcasting Company (NBC) / Quincy Jones / Quincy Jones-David Salzman Entertainment / The Stuffed Dog Company

Fun and laughter are guaranteed with this series that, to this day, continues to bring young and old together to enjoy it.

Home stuff

Another American series that became a worldwide success was undoubtedly this one. However, the highlight of it is that one of its characters, Steve Urkel, became the main protagonist and star of the series without being, even, one of its highlights. His different and bizarre way of dressing, as well as his historical phrases made him an emblem of the series.

Once again, fun is guaranteed if you want to relive this youth series from the 90s and find out if, finally, Urkel manages to win his platonic love, Laura Wilson.

More youth series from the 90s for your memories

Feeling of living

There are youth series that mark a before and after in the lives of adolescents who enjoy them. Of lining the rooms with posters and folders with photos of the characters. Of wanting to live stories like the ones that occur in it.

And that’s how Sensation of Living is described , a series centered on a very glamorous high school in the Beverly Hills area whose protagonists will live all the typical adolescent plots.

We know that you are no longer a teenager, but sometimes nostalgia makes us want to relive these fantastic moments. If this is your case, you are in luck because last August the Fox channel premiered a remake of the series.

You will be able to enjoy all the characters again, except for Luke Perry who passed away in March of this year, and learn more about them.

Blosson , one of the funniest youth series of the 90s

The life of a bright teenager and much more savvy and modern than the young people who enjoyed the series dazzled millions of people. The series focuses on the life of this young woman and the recomposition of her family when her mother abandoned them and had to take care of her and her brothers her father.

The success of this series was due, in his case, to the fact that it dealt with problems of daily life that can arise for all of us in a totally open way and without double faces.

Blossom, a youth series from the 90s.
© ABC Studios

Dawson Grows

Talking about and dealing with the emotions of young people is sometimes not an easy task. For this reason, the Dawson Crece series marked a before and after in television series aimed at this type of audience.

The small screen featured a series of teenagers who started out when they were 15 years old and who were on the air for six seasons. The conflicts generated within each of these adolescents were the main key of the series. While it is true that  Dawson Grows always had a dramatic touch, it became a series of unmatched success.

Sweet Valley twins

Although this series has not been as successful as all the previous ones that we have talked about, it was well known in its time. Unlike the others, which were series entirely produced expressly for television, this series is based on a collection of youth books  that were very successful with adolescent audiences.

Through the chapters, we will get to know the life and the very different personalities of the two protagonists of the series, as well as their friendships, loves and life during the high school years.

The Diary of Anne Frank, a must-have classic for teenagers

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