A Letter From A Pediatrician To Doctor Toys

The good doctor treats disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease. –William Osler
A letter from a pediatrician to Doctor Toys

Most children are fond of cartoons. With them they not only have fun, but also learn values, educate themselves and even improve their self-esteem. For this reason, it is not surprising that specialists such as pediatrician Steve Silvestro decided to write a letter to the famous Doctor Toys (Doc McStuffins), a character from a Disney children’s series.

In that letter, Dr. Silvestro tries to deny the erroneous information related to the impact of Doctor Toys on the little ones. His position is totally opposite to that expressed by Harvard University, which developed an unflattering study regarding this and other characters.

In this report, it was stated that those who saw the Peppa Pig cartoon were more likely to develop autism. This information was quickly discarded, both by medical specialists and by the University itself, which dissociated itself from any type of analysis.

After this unfortunate incident, it was not long before the touching and funny correspondence between Dr. Toys and an American pediatrician was made public. Dr. Silvestro appreciates the creation of the character for his contribution to childhood: now children are not afraid of toilets.

What does the letter to Doctor Toys say?

“Doctor Toys, as you know, it is customary for us doctors to send each other letters expressing our concern about our patients. Well, it turns out that we share a lot of patients and I want to tell you how much you have helped them, “writes Dr. Silvestro.

Doctor Toys Briefcase

“First, I have to say that it has made my job much easier ,” this North American pediatrician initially argues. He details that that old fear that children experienced in front of doctors has disappeared. Now everyone is so excited about their check-ups, some are even dressed in white coats.

“If a child is still nervous when I enter the consultation, I just have to sing: I do a check-up  and I see how their eyes shine”, explains the doctor. If a situation gets complicated, use this simple tool to reassure the patient. This song acts  as a kind of secret greeting, letting the little ones know that the professional is on their side.

The stethoscope, for example, used to be viewed by children as  a cold, metallic medical tool. However, Doc Toys uses them to magically bring toys to life, turning them into a “gateway to imagination and fun.”

This instrument no longer causes terror among minors. Even the doctor can pretend to put it in the wrong places, like elbows or knees, and even use it as an elephant nose. The result will always be positive: you will reap smiles instead of tears when the time comes to listen to them.

The other teachings of Doctor Toys

“It has helped guide the children, which is much more than taking them to the doctor. From being patient, overcoming fears, and dealing with manipulative friendships to bringing home a new baby; it has helped show children how to navigate the difficult and uncomfortable moments of their day to day ”.

One of the aspects most valued by this pediatrician is Doctor Toys’s relationship with Friolín. This character is known for being “a bit of a hypochondriac” and for worrying about trivial things. For this reason, the issuer of the letter maintains that he “is not very different from a small child.” To them, the tiniest things seem big and intimidating.

A useful way to motivate the little ones

Although Friolín’s fears are unfounded, Doctor Toys listens carefully to the patient, reassures him and reassures him. “Your example is a good reminder, for parents and doctors, to open our ears and respond with love when we work with anxious children,” says the pediatrician.

However, Silvestro points out that this is not the only way that drawing leads by example. Just as Doc Toys dreamed of becoming a doctor like her mother, she is also an inspiration to many patients.

Now many infants ask for the stethoscope to listen to the sound of their own hearts. Many of them even express their deep desire to become doctors when they grow up. This has caused a great astonishment in the doctor, since he considers it something new.

“Thank you so much for making my job easier, for giving me a reason to sing at a check-up, for being a wonderful role model for the children and for me. I hope we continue to share many more little patients. “

To read the letter in its original version, you can consult here.

The fear of the white coat in children

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