Girdle In Pregnancy?

Girdle in pregnancy?

Have you considered wearing a girdle in pregnancy? You do not know if it can harm your baby or if it really is effective?

In addition to postpartum girdles, there are girdles, belts or bands on the market designed to facilitate the last weeks of pregnancy. We explain why there are women who decide to rely on this supplement during their pregnancy and the myths that exist about its use.

Wearing a girdle in the postpartum period has become a fairly common practice among new mothers. It is true that its use generates controversy about whether the most beneficial thing is to force the muscles or allow them to recover their tone naturally, but the truth is that it is still practiced as a habitual recovery method after childbirth.

When we talk about using it throughout pregnancy, things get complicated. But what if there were girdles specially designed for that moment? What if the girdle could be an ally and not just an instrument to maintain or recover the figure?

Let’s start by debunking some myths that are based on the use of a girdle in pregnancy:

  • Prevents the appearance of stretch marks. Fake. The girdle will not prevent stretch marks from appearing . We recommend the use of moisturizing creams or oils if you want to avoid stretch marks as much as possible.
  • Shape the figure. During pregnancy you will not be able to prevent your figure from changing , and the use of the girdle in this period is not focused on it. You are going to be a mom. Your figure changes so that another little being can grow.
It is advisable to exercise during pregnancy
  • Any girdle can do. It is not true. Finding the most suitable girdle for you is a priority . Ask your doctor which one best suits your needs.
  • Unique remedy for pain. Also false. Following exercise routines suitable for pregnancy, maintaining optimal levels of rest and a healthy diet serve as reinforcement, just like the girdle.

What is the girdle for in pregnancy?

Over the last few years, prenatal girdles have been modified to suit the needs of mothers, offering them extra help in those weeks when the weight of the gut can cause postural, cervical or lumbar discomfort in pregnant women. .

In addition, we cannot forget that the growth of the mother’s gut also entails other changes. The way of walking, for example, can be affected, causing the future mother to walk, spreading her legs at a greater angle than usual.

Also in these last weeks, when the so-called nest syndrome occurs, the mother becomes more active again, preparing everything for the arrival of the baby. This can cause you to strain your muscles too much, leading to injuries or painful episodes.

Due to all this, experts advise the use of the girdle when it is really necessary. Its use is recommended from week 25 , when the gut already begins to gain weight and discomfort in the back or legs may appear.

How does the girdle work in pregnancy?

The mechanism of the prenatal girdles is simple, it consists of an adjustable belt that supports the lower back and is placed under the tummy, so that it does not put pressure on the baby. That is, the main function of the girdle is to generate stability.
This resource is very useful in those women who have major problems during this stage of pregnancy.

Our reward is in the effort and not in the result. Full effort is full victory

– Mahatma Gandhi-

With pregnancy, the woman's body changes and adapts to the needs of the baby

Possible complications

It must always be borne in mind that any support method or resource used in these circumstances should be consulted with our doctor. Buying a prenatal girdle  should be recommended by the medical team that takes us. In addition, they should be the ones who tell us the best way to use it.

Excessive use of the girdle can cause us to lose some muscle tone in the abdominal muscles . These muscles will help us at the time of delivery. Therefore, a continuous use of the girdle is not recommended, only occasional and always recommended by our doctor.

When adjusting the girdle, it is not necessary to press too hard. Above all, we must be aware that our gut is our baby’s home. The function of the girdle should only be to hold, not to press.

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