4 Activities With Water To Do Inside The House

Do you want to have fun with water indoors but don’t know how? Next, we propose some activities.
4 water activities to do indoors

When we talk about water games, we directly think that these should be carried out outdoors such as, for example, in the pool, on the beach, in the garden … But this does not necessarily have to be the case, since many Water activities can be done indoors. Can’t think of any? In this article we give you some ideas.

4 water activities to do indoors

Bubbles in the water

To perform this activity, you will need a tub or basin, a drinking straw (also known as a straw), and a sponge. Once you have all the objects, you have to carry out the following actions:

  1. Fill the tub or basin with water.
  2. Blow into the water with the straw, straw, observing how small air bubbles are created on the surface.
  3. Put a sponge at the bottom of the tub or basin and squeeze it with your hands, watching how small air bubbles come out of its holes. Then, you have to release the sponge, so that it floats and releases large air bubbles.
    Girl with an experiment with water.

The rainbow at home, one of the most interesting water activities

To be able to carry out this activity, you must have a tub or basin, a mirror and a white card. Next, the following process must be carried out:

  1. Fill the tub with water and place it in front of a window where sunlight enters.
  2. Put the mirror inside the tub, placing it in such a way that the part that is in contact with the water is the one that receives the sun’s rays.
  3. Place the white card in front of the mirror and move it slowly until the colors of the rainbow are visible.
  4. Observe the rainbow that has been created.

But why does this happen? The fact that a rainbow can be created with these simple steps is explained by the fact that the sunlight is composed of seven colors that, with the procedure described above, separate from each other, forming the rainbow.

Water xylophone

For this activity, the following material is required: six crystal glasses, six cans of inks of different colors and a wooden stick. The goal is to create a water xylophone,  and to do this, you have to:

  1. Put the crystal glasses in a row, one next to the other.
  2. Fill the glasses with different amounts of water and put a few drops of ink in each of them, so that they all have a different color.
  3. Take the stick in a way and, carefully, tap each of the glasses, producing different sounds.
  4. Create melodies with the different sounds of the glasses.
    Water xylophone, one of the water activities to do at home.

Bubbles within bubbles

For this activity you will need dishwasher detergent, liquid glycerin, a drinking straw (straw or straw), a glass or plastic container, a cloth, and a flat surface (for example, a table). Then you have to follow these steps:

  1. Mix 600 ml of water, 200 ml of dishwasher detergent and 100 g of liquid glycerin in a container.
  2. Dampen a cloth with the previously prepared mixture and pass said cloth on a flat surface, such as a table.
  3. Blow on the surface with the straw, straw, observing how a soap bubble forms. 
  4. Gently insert the straw, straw or straw into the bubble and blow again, so that a bubble forms inside the previously made bubble. This process can be repeated several times, creating smaller bubbles within other bubbles. But you have to be very careful, because these can explode at any time.
Fun activities for parents and children at home

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