Benefits Of Kangaroo Care For Babies

Do you know the kangaroo method? The benefits on the health of the little ones – and the peace of mind of the mothers – are extensive and proven. Discover them!
Benefits of Kangaroo Care for Babies

Kangaroo care for babies is becoming more popular with new mothers, and not just for babies born prematurely. All mothers have an unbreakable bond with their children, some relationships between parents and children are stronger than others, but the reality is that many children may lack attachment to their parents.

This will cause children to have lower grades in school or to suffer from depression as they feel they are not connected to their parents.

The easiest way to start building attachment with children is from the first moment they arrive in our world. It is necessary to maintain skin-to-skin contact with the newborn, both the father and the mother. These moments will be the ones that will establish the interactions with the parents towards the child for the rest of his life. Do you want to know some benefits of the kangaroo method for babies? Thus, if you are expecting a baby, you will see the importance of doing it as soon as it is born.

Your baby will better regulate his temperature

When your baby was in the womb, it was not necessary for him to regulate his temperature, but once he is born it is vital that he do so. The best way to do this is to have it skin-to-skin with the mother, since she naturally has her skin at the same temperature as the uterus (to welcome her baby as soon as it is born). And if you realize it, nature is very wise! This way the baby can better adapt to its environment.

It is not only a matter of mothers

But skin-to-skin contact is not only a matter of mothers, fathers can also (and should) perform kangaroo care together with the mother. In this way they can ensure that the bond with their baby is much better established, the children will feel safer and more protected when they are also with their father.


Brain development is stimulated

When kangaroo is used with newborn babies they may have better brain stimulation. There are studies that show that children who received this method at birth from their parents, at 15 years of age had better intellectual development (both in premature children and those who were born at term) than those children who were placed in incubators .

This is so because thanks to the kangaroo method, babies can sleep better, their heart rate stabilizes, oxygen also works better and therefore the brain develops much better.

They sleep better

Children who are born and can benefit from kangaroo care, will be able to sleep much better than babies whose parents do not or who are put in incubators. Thanks to skin to skin they feel safer and therefore they will sleep much better.

Gain more weight

By being able to regulate the temperature thanks to the mother’s skin, babies do not have to expend their energy to regulate the temperature and can use it to grow.

In addition, thanks to skin-to-skin contact, babies can smell the mother and know exactly where the nipple is, they look for it themselves to be able to breastfeed since breastfeeding begins earlier (and more milk is produced).


Reduce baby’s stress

At birth, children go through a period of very high stress as they go from being inside the uterus (safe and comfortable) to being outside it where everything is uncertain, full of noise and strange temperatures. Within 10 minutes of a newborn baby being skin-to-skin with his mother , the infant’s hormone cortisol is lowered and oxytocin levels rise, meaning the baby goes from being stressed to being calm, happy, and calm with her mother.

As you can see, there are numerous benefits that the kangaroo method has for newborn babies and that is why it is necessary for all new parents to know it so that they can do it, would you like to add any more to this list?

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