7 Mistakes We Make When Putting On A Baby’s Diaper

If you have a baby, it is more than likely that the task of changing diapers will be a constant in your days. Are you doing it correctly? Go through this list of common mistakes and make sure of it.
7 mistakes we make when putting on a baby's diaper

Putting on a baby’s diaper may sound like a basic thing for every mother and father. However, as they say, no one is born knowing everything. While some will be able to do it with their eyes closed, some may need a little more practice to incorporate this everyday task.

Many people tend to have a certain rejection of the idea of ​​changing a diaper. It usually happens in those who get upset easily and also in those who are afraid of ‘handling’ small babies.

Despite what is usually believed, it is not something that only some parents suffer or only those who are not very convinced with the idea of ​​motherhood or fatherhood. This aversion leads to lack of practice ; As a consequence, when having a child, not a few are faced with a real problem. Thus, they tend to fall into these common mistakes when putting the baby’s diaper.

7 common mistakes when putting on a baby’s diaper

Like all newbies, some parents are prone to making mistakes when changing their baby. Here are some of them:

1. Not having everything ready

Once the baby is put on the changing table to remove the dirty diaper and put on a new one, we must make sure we have everything we need. This is: clean diaper and wet wipes to clean it. In case we use special creams or powders — liquids are better than dry ones — we must also have them close by.

The reason for this suggestion is that under no circumstances do we have to leave the baby alone. Although it is still small, it can take advantage of any carelessness to move and this could lead to a painful fall.

2. Adjust it too much or too little

Ideally, the diaper is well attached to the child’s body. However, this does not mean that you should practically cut off your circulation. If there is too much of a mark left when you remove it, try to squeeze it less next time.

Meconium in neonates

The other extreme is not good either: if it is not properly put on, the baby will end up with the diaper on the floor. For everyone’s sake, pray that it’s clean if this happens. To avoid problems, always make sure that the size you put on is correct.

3. Cleaning it incorrectly

In addition to making sure to remove every particle of dirt from your private parts, we must also make sure we do it the right way. When the baby has gone to the body, the ideal is to clean it backwards; otherwise, the appearance of infections could be favored.

4. Taking too long

At this point, we refer, first of all, to taking a long time to replace the diaper once the baby has pooped. With urine it is not so much a problem, since today’s diapers are usually very absorbent; However, fecal matter can be harmful if we leave it for a long time, since it contains many bacteria.

On the other hand, you do not want to extend the process of putting the baby’s diaper too long. In addition to the fact that the little one may be a bit cold, you will leave the door open to a possible sudden leak of urine that can reach you or the bed.

5. Not having a change of clothes always available

This is not an option, but a necessity. Although he uses diapers, you have to anticipate that there may be transfers and stains that will easily dirty his clothes. 

Therefore, always try to have a change on hand just in case. If you leave the house, you should not only take the bag with the diapers and hygiene items; make sure you have some spare clothes too.

6. Putting too much cream

While moisturizing and protective creams are very good for your skin, we shouldn’t overdo it. Anyone who has ever used a sunscreen or other type of cream knows that applying too much can be extremely annoying.

This would create a sensation of humidity that could make the baby uncomfortable. In addition, we run the risk of dirtying clothes and, worse still, hindering the effect of the product.

In the first few days, babies wear an average of ten diapers a day.

7. Buy lots of newborn diapers

These are usually available on sale along with other items that you will need in the first days of your baby’s life, such as wet wipes, a bottle, and creams. However, we must not get carried away by excessive enthusiasm: the reality is that newborn diapers end up being useless in a short time.

Although everything depends on the growth of the little one, it is better to buy as you need them. Of course, always considering that you must have some reserve for the weekends.

Especially for first-time parents, these mistakes in diapering the baby and other aspects that surround this task will sound very familiar. You shouldn’t feel bad: nobody is perfect and everything is learned as you go. Each day that passes is one more day in the wonderful experience of being parents.

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