7 Games Of Paper And Pencil To Enjoy With The Family

Paper and pencil games are a very good option to have fun with the family. We give you some options for everyone to enjoy.
7 pencil and paper games to enjoy with the family

It is normal for children to get bored. That boredom opens the way to their creativity and ideas to get out of that state even if, on some occasions, they are bored and do not know what to do. It is, then, when parents can help them by looking for homemade activities that can amuse everyone. What if we use paper and pencil games? It is sure to be very entertaining!

Normally, we play board games, watch movies, spend time with the game console … But paper and pencil games can help the whole family to have fun moments and, in addition, stimulate reasoning in children.

Paper and pencil games for younger children

Now that we have much more time for boredom, and we can run out of ideas, surely these games can get us out of more than one trouble. We have to bear in mind that these games must be adapted to the age of the little ones to adapt the difficulty to their abilities.

Drawing to connect the dots, one of the pencil and paper games for kids

Connect the dots in a drawing

This game is a lot of fun and it also helps improve your reasoning. Parents, even if we do not know how to draw great things, surely we can do some simple things, such as an orange, a fish, a bear, etc.

We have to draw, using numbered points, the drawing we want so that, when those points are joined, it appears. Tip: you can draw with the pencil very loosely and then erase the silhouette and mark the points with the numbers.

 The children will have to trace the numbered points together until they get the silhouette of the drawing. You will love this game for the excitement of discovering which picture will appear behind these numbered dots.

The funny monster

This game, in addition to being easy, will display your creativity. What we will do, in turns, is to draw, so we will need a sheet of paper and a pencil.

The first player will draw the monster’s head. When he’s done, he’ll fold the paper so that only the neck is showing a little. The next player will continue to draw the shoulders, the trunk … and, later, they will fold again until leaving only a little drawing so that the next player continues to draw parts of the monster.

Thus, we will continue until all the participants have drawn. When we are all done, we will open the page and our super monster will appear. Children will love it and you will have a laugh for sure!

Who I am?

One of the players will draw a character or whatever comes to mind and the others have to guess what it is about.

Paper and pencil maze

On a sheet of paper, parents will draw a maze and our children will have to find their way out. On one side, we will draw, for example, a child, a rabbit or whatever we can think of and, at the end, a ball, some carrots, etc. The mission is to find the exit by joining both sides, the entrance and the exit of the labyrinth with the line.

Paper and pencil games for older children

Alphabet soup.

Letter soup

We can buy them ready-made for the children to make or create them ourselves. We will draw a square on the sheet and place words, vertically, horizontally and diagonally and, once we have them, we will fill in the other gaps with individual letters; yes, well placed by rows and columns.


Who has not ever played this game? A player has to draw as many lines as there are letters in the word to be guessed. If we want the difficulty to be less, we can put, from the beginning, some letters as a hint.

The players who have to guess have to say letters. If they are in the word, great; If not, you will have to draw a person as you fail: the head, the body, an arm, another arm, a leg… So, successively, until it is drawn in its entirety; then, they will have lost because they will have taken a long time to guess the word.

Tutti Frutti

This is a very fun game. At the top of the page, which we will have placed horizontally, we will put different categories: names, animals, cities, fruits, countries, colors, food, furniture, etc.

At the start of the game, one player suggests a letter and all players have to find a word for each category that begins with that letter. When a player finishes filling in all their categories, the game stops, even if they have not all finished, and the points are counted.

Each correct answer adds up to 10 points and, if several players agree on the same word, they add up to 5 each. There will be several rounds and the one with the most points at the end of all will win.

As you can see, we can have fun at home with very few materials. These paper and pencil games, in addition to entertaining us, provide children with many benefits at the cognitive level, reasoning, strategy, logic. Manual dexterity is also developed, vocabulary is acquired and creativity is fostered. What are you waiting for to put them into practice?

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