7 Exercises To Improve Speech In Children With Language Delay

7 exercises to improve speech in children with language delay

Children may have a delay in language without this meaning that in the future they will have more serious problems in this area of ​​development. If a child of preschool age has language problems, it is necessary that he receive the necessary help and encouragement so that in this way he has a good development and acquires a good level over time.

If a child has language delays, it is necessary to take into account that they will have to be attended by a language professional, but in addition, good stimulation can also be worked from home on a daily basis. If your child has a little delay in language or if he does not have but you want him to improve his speech, do not miss these exercises that you can start doing right now.

Exercises to improve children’s speech

1. Cards

Flashcards can go a long way in helping children learn sounds that they cannot pronounce correctly. It is best to turn this exercise into a game and reward the child when he pronounces the sounds shown on the cards correctly.

This will not only make it more attractive to your child, but it will also motivate your child to pronounce the sounds correctly.

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2. Mirror exercises

Children with articulation problems have difficulty pronouncing words and sounds due to their inability to make the correct movement with their mouth to produce the correct sound.

Mirror exercise is one of the most useful speaking exercises for young children who need to solve these types of problems.

You can teach your child the correct movement of the mouth and the sound that accompanies this movement while he repeats it in front of a mirror. This way, you will know how to move your mouth with the words that are more difficult for you.

3. Repetitions

Among all the other speaking exercises for preschoolers, repeating the words over and over can be a tedious job for parents or even children if they find it too boring. Although repetition can be very important for children to improve their speech quickly. When you repeat the words for your children you should do it slowly and easily so that they hear them and realize all the phonemes. 

4. The leap of the frog

Frog jumping is a fun and simple exercise to improve speech that involves repeating a word at least six times in a row. The exercise needs paper scattered throughout the room where there will be written words that you want your child to reinforce.

Your child will have to jump from one paper to another as a game and when he takes a piece of paper he will have to read (with or without help) the word that is written. So that it is not a very heavy exercise, only six jumps will be made at a time to pronounce six words.

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5. Talk to the children

Children’s language skills are more likely to develop rapidly if parents and the family around them communicate with them frequently and promote good verbal communication. With people talking around him often , the child has the opportunity to hear new words, learn them, and will be able to communicate correctly.

6. Enhance speech

Talking regularly with a child is the best way to develop their speech and language skills. Another way to do this is to say the name of the object the child wants, encouraging him to say the word to get it.

To enhance speech in young children, it is ideal to only give him what he asks for if he says the right word and not just using hand gestures. This will motivate the child to find a way to use language and get what he wants.

7. Read stories with children

Reading stories with children is very suitable for enhancing the language of young children. In addition to enhancing the emotional bond between parents and children, new vocabulary will also be worked on and children will learn to better structure sentences and pronounce words that are more complicated for them. In addition, the stories will also help them to stimulate their creativity and imagination.

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