5 Tips To Change Uncontrolled Crying

5 tips to change uncontrolled crying

The first way babies communicate when they come into the world is by crying. Babies cry for many and varied reasons and may even cry for 1 to 3 hours a day. In this article we give you some tips to change that uncontrolled crying of the baby that overwhelms parents so much.

Understand a baby’s cry

Understanding the cry of a baby is one of the first problems of parents. A newborn may cry because he is hungry, because of colic, because he wants his diaper to be changed, because he is cold …

Many times we do not know what happens to him in the first days, but soon as parents we get to know our children and the cause of their crying. Do not forget that sometimes that crying can also be a symptom that something else is happening to the baby, such as pain, an illness, an infection or the first teeth are coming out.

Sometimes the crying of a baby and not knowing the cause of it can overwhelm us a lot and can make us despair. We even think that our son has something more serious when it comes to hunger, sleep or an emotional problem. This article will give you five useful tips to change that uncontrolled crying baby that afflicts both parents.


Hug our baby

Many times if babies have been crying for a long time they spiral into anger and cry inconsolably. The best thing is to hug the baby and let him unload all his anger against our body.

When he relaxes a bit we can already see what problem he has if it was hunger, sleepy or even if something hurts. To see if it is hunger, we can bring him the food at that moment, before almost certainly he will reject it, and see if that was the reason, if it was a dream he will slowly relax and fall asleep.

Many times when children are very sleepy they become hyperactive and do not stop moving. The important thing is that they gradually calm down so that they fall asleep. If we look at him, we talk to him calmly and we even sing him a beautiful song, we will achieve that little by little the situation subsides.

Spend time with them

If our son comes from the nursery or grandparents’ house crying uncontrollably, it may be that it is something emotional. We must first find out whether something has happened or if you want to get our attention because they have their own way and have thrown us less.

The best thing is to try to spend as much of the time of the day as we can with him and that we try to make him feel all our love and attention.

Establish routines

Children need routines in their lives that make them feel safe. If you know that after the bath, dinner comes and then the reading of the story and we change the order one day surely the child will notice. So if you sometimes cry uncontrollably, it may be that you are disoriented and need order and a series of daily routines.

Stimulate you

Many times our baby is just bored. There comes a time when they want to crawl around the house, open cabinets and take everything out, climb on armchairs … We are limiting these activities for their safety and we even put them in the park so that they do not suffer any danger. But children feel that need to explore and they get frustrated.

He thinks that if they cannot move, they tend to spiral into uncontrolled crying. So it is best to spend time a day letting them explore with our supervision. For example, let him open a closet in which, for example, you have put colored plastic glasses and plates. Try to make him feel that freedom to explore. Look for encouragement in games for their age or in ideas that come to mind.


Change of actitud

If we see that nothing we do changes the baby’s crying and that he does not have any signs of pain and that he is entering a spiral, we can try to make a change in attitude. We can try it with good humor by making fun of it, starting a game so that it follows us and even moving from the room or going out with the car to the street.

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