4 Stories About Kindness For Children

Although it may not seem like it, kindness opens many doors throughout life. For our children to pick up these habits, home schooling is always very important.
4 stories about kindness for children

The habit of being nice is something that is reinforced through oral transmission. As we well know, our children love to learn with videos, songs and of course, stories. The literature includes some very interesting stories about kindness for children.

The importance parents place on the development of kindness is evident. Being attentive involves using the magic words ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ regularly,  but it also goes a bit further: it’s about being considerate of others.

It is certainly not easy to find stories about kindness for children. However, below we will present some proposals. Beyond its valuable messages, it should be noted that parents should set an example and reinforce the idea of ​​what they want to teach.

Stories about kindness for children

Kindness in a love classic: Beauty and the Beast

This is perhaps one of the most popular love stories in the West. However, inside, the story hides the relationship between kindness and love.

It all starts with a beast prince who tries to impose himself on Beauty. With the passage of time, the beast begins to have gestures towards Bella, thereby gaining their friendship. In this stretch, parents should focus on the fact that being kind is the key to everything.

The role that household appliances play is critical. If we analyze it well, their role is to unite the protagonists through good treatment. In the end, Bella’s love humanizes her prince, who learns that things are accomplished with tact.

In the classroom you can also work on children's emotions through stories.

Daniel and the magic words

If we want something more direct, the story of Daniel and his grandfather will be what we are looking for. It tells the adventures of a boy who, for his birthday,  his grandfather has given a peculiar gift: a box full of letters.

In that box, Daniel has the formula to form the kindest words that exist. With them, the little one can do many things. Making people happy and getting everyone to trust are part of the powers that this little one will now have.

Throughout the story, children learn the power of kind words. ‘I love you’, ‘thank you’, ‘good morning’, ‘please’, ‘sorry’, etc. In short, Daniel teaches our children to be kind by using these phrases.

Limonato, the curmudgeon

Limonato is an old man who, from a very young age, has had a very bad attitude  towards others. Therefore, he walks alone through life. One day, he meets Marín, a boy whose parents go out of their way to teach him to be kind. The whole story is based on the encounters of both characters.

Marín always has a gesture towards Limonato, but he always evades it and responds in a bad way. One day, after so many encounters, the old man finds himself crying and the boy approaches him and asks him the reason for his tears.

Limonato’s problem is that he is old and does not know how to start over. Marín explains that she must be happy in every minute of life she has. The bottom line is easy: it’s never too late to start being nice.

Little detective

Do you want to teach your little one about the benefits of giving to others? This is the ideal story! Pepito finds a magnifying glass and his mother tells him that he will only keep it if he cannot find its owner.

Therefore, Pepito makes an effort in his search and follows some duck tracks. When he comes to the end of the tour, he meets a man. This tells him that he has lost his duck, and also the magnifying glass with which he was looking for it.

Hearing this, Pepito understands that he must return the magnifying glass to the man. However, when he returns home he hears the old man’s call. The fact is that, as a reward for helping him in his urgency, Pepito receives the magnifying glass again.

The stories about kindness for children allow them to convey this important value.

Search modern tales and the internet

Although in the classics there are not so many stories about kindness for children, we always have other solutions. There are countless contemporary authors and stories that we can download for free on the internet.

Also, it is much better to combine these stories with homework, games and educational activities. In this way, we will go from theory to practice and understand if our little ones have gotten the message.

Magic words: "thank you", "sorry" and "please"

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