4 Recipes With Pasta For Children

Pasta is that ingredient that does not usually fail in children’s nutrition. There are many recipes and among them are the ones that we propose below: easy, nutritious and fun.
4 recipes with pasta for children

Not all children are foodies. For many mothers and fathers , feeding their children is a real headache . However old they are, there are certain foods that everyone likes. Pasta recipes are ideal in these situations.

One of these foods is pasta in any of its presentations: spaghetti, screws, cannelloni, macaroni, noodles, etc. Taking advantage of how tasty it is, here are some recipes with pasta for children that will undoubtedly be attractive to them.

 Tips to stimulate reluctant children to eat: recipes with pasta

There are some tips to make any menu for children successful. These have the utility of reinforcing the taste for food, since in the future the child will associate the act of eating with pleasant experiences:

1.- Colors

You already know how striking colors are for any children’s activity, and also in food. Well, this can be taken advantage of by including foods of various colors on the plate that make it look like a harmonious composition.

2.- Pasta recipes with textures

Including various textures will make food a multi-sensory experience for children. When crunchy, creamy, dry, runny, and grainy combine, there’s no boredom possible.

3.- Recipes with figure pasta

It is an excellent option to make drawings with parts of food, since children constantly live creating and recreating fantasy worlds where figures and characters of all kinds come to light. Let’s not forget that food enters the eyes first.

4.- Activities

The above tricks to make food attractive and fun can be complemented with games taking advantage of children’s great thirst for learning.

Depending on the child’s age, it is possible to brush up on their knowledge of numbers, colors, riddles, or make food challenges  through stories, songs, and mimics. The limit is established by the creativity of each one.

There are different types of pasta depending on its texture.

It’s time to apply these little tips by making fun pasta recipes for kids:

Sausages with pasta

With this recipe you will get a contribution of carbohydrates and protein. However, it is not recommended to consume it regularly, since processed meat has proven to be negative for health when ingested in excess.


  • Sausages cut into pieces approximately 3 cm long.
  • Spaghetti.
  • Optional: some type of sauce and vegetables such as carrots, peppers and peas.


  • Pierce the sausage pieces with as many spaghetti sticks as possible, so that they stick out on both sides.
  • Cook until the spaghetti is cooked, without overdoing it, taking into account that sausages usually require less cooking time.
  • Strain and serve. They can be offered alone and optionally include pieces of vegetables of different colors and some type of sauce.

Recipes with tricolor pasta

With this preparation you can obtain antioxidants from tomato. This vegetable contains lycopene, a substance that is capable of reducing cardiovascular risk, according to a study published in the journal Food Chemistry.


  • Short or long pasta.
  • Pesto and white sauce.
  • Neapolitan or Bolognese sauce.
  • Grated cheese for pasta.


  • Cook the pasta according to the manufacturer’s directions on the package.
  • Separate three small portions and stir each one with one of the sauces, so that they take on their color.
  • Serve side by side and pour sauce and grated cheese.

Another less laborious option that does not require having three sauces is to prepare pasta that already comes in three colors. In this way we only add one type of sauce on top and grated cheese.

It is possible to make different pasta recipes for children.

Pasta pancakes

With this recipe you will obtain a dish that generates great acceptance, although it has a high sugar content in its composition.


  • Freshly cooked pasta or the day before.
  • 1 egg.
  • ½ cup of fluid milk.
  • 4 tablespoons of wheat flour.
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 dash of vanilla
  • Oil for frying.


  • Prepare a mixture by mixing the egg, sugar, milk, vanilla and flour until you get a creamy mixture.
  • Add the pasta and stir so that it is well soaked.
  • Fry portions of this preparation until you get some golden pancakes.
  • Place on blotting paper and immediately sprinkle with sugar.

These pasta pancakes are ideal for a snack or as an outline for another menu.

Pasta with tempura

Tempura is a good way to start consuming vegetables, especially for those who are reluctant to this type of food.


  • Short or long pasta.
  • Different types of breaded and fried meat (beef, chicken, fish, seafood).
  • Battered and fried vegetables (celery, broccoli, spinach, peppers or any other).
  • Olive oil.
  • Finely chopped parsley.


  • Cook the pasta, strain it and add a little olive oil.
  • Battered and fried meats and vegetables should be spread on top.
  • Sprinkle with parsley and serve immediately.

Try pasta recipes for kids

Remember to use water to accompany these pasta recipes for children. It is important to avoid juices, especially purchased ones. These products have a high amount of sugars in their composition, which is why they are harmful.

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