13 Foods To Include In Children’s Snacks

It is important to offer your child healthy and varied snacks to complete their diet and ensure their growth and development.
13 Foods to Include in Children's Snacks

As parents we want our children to always enjoy the best health conditions, for this it is essential that we take care of the foods in their diet . Skip the junk foods and use your creativity to prepare delicious and nutritious snacks.

The following are some of the foods that you should consider when packing snacks and lunches when your children go to school, or to use them on your menu when they are on vacation.

The best foods to include in your lunch box

1. Whole grains, foods that combine carbohydrates and fiber

Whole grains are rich in vitamins, calcium and fiber, that is why a serving of cereal with milk and fruit is an ideal food for your child to start the day with all the energy they require.

Remember that it is essential to guarantee the supply of fiber in the diet. This substance is capable of selectively modulating the bacterial growth of the intestine promoting a better state of health, according to a study published in the journal “Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics”.

2. Cheese

It is a food rich in protein that provides the necessary calories to have an adequate energy load. If you want them to be even more beneficial for them, choose those cheeses that are low in added sugar.

3. Fruit smoothies

Kids love these drinks and they’ll be getting an incredible nutritional load. Use fruits like bananas, strawberries, blackberries, peaches, and almonds to make your smoothies.

Anyway, put the whole fruit in the blender, not just the juice. In this way you reduce the loss of nutrients and take advantage of the fiber in the food.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt, also low in added sugars, is one of the best sources of probiotics and calcium. The regular intake of these microorganisms is associated with a lower incidence of intestinal transit problems, according to an article published in the “Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology”.

You can combine the yogurt with nuts to improve the protein intake and the amount of minerals administered.

5. Peanut butter

It is a food that children enjoy very much and has nutritional properties because it is an important source of protein and fiber. You can use it when making a sandwich, adding it to your fruit smoothies, or just spreading it on toast.

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6. Eggs

A single egg provides your child with a third of the protein he needs to consume during the day. Prepare them in an omelette, make sandwiches or put hard-boiled eggs in a corn tortilla, either for breakfast at home or for lunch.

7. Noodles as carbohydrate foods

Pasta is a food rich in compound carbohydrates, which, unlike simple carbohydrates, are healthy for the body. Mix them with your favorite vegetables, with cooked chicken or with tomato sauce.

8. Pears

All fruits are healthy for the body, you do not have to limit yourself to consuming apples and bananas. In the case of pear, you will find large amounts of fiber and sugars convenient for the health of your child.

9. Ham

Low-fat ham tastes the same as regular ham but is much healthier and is a source of protein for your child. You can give them a slice of ham with cheese, put it in crepes or use it for your salads or in any recipe you can think of.

10. Raisins, nutrient-dense foods.

Although they are small, they are loaded with nutrients like fiber, potassium, and different vitamins. They can be eaten raw or mixed with cereals and fruits. If your children do not like the taste very much, you can also include them in the shakes you prepare.

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11. Apples

It is one of the easiest fruits to get and you can combine it in many ways so that it does not become monotonous in your children’s diet. This juicy fruit is full of vitamin C and fiber.

12. Oats

All children love to eat cookies as a snack and, instead of buying those that are loaded with sugars that end up affecting the body, you can opt for oatmeal cookies, which are rich and much healthier. Oatmeal cookies have fiber and low amounts of added sugars and trans fats.

13. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are full of vitamin A, C, and fiber. One of the great advantages of this vegetable is that you can prepare it in many ways; whether in a salad, in a sandwich, filling it with tuna or ham or simply in slices drizzled with vinaigrette, it will be a delicious snack for any time of the day.

Assorted foods for a healthy diet

Remember that you can combine all these foods and give flight to your creativity to give your children the best food in a fun way. Keep in mind all these foods to include in the lunchbox and take care of their nutrition even when you are not with them.

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