10 Names Of Greek Origin For Boys

Selecting the child’s name is always an exciting experience. Finding the perfect one among a sea of ​​options is the first challenge that future parents have.
10 names of Greek origin for boys

When a woman is pregnant, she has a lot to plan and think about. Choosing between names of Greek origin for boys can be a good option in this period of difficult but fun decisions.

In this particular aspect, nothing seems easy. Thousands of options come to the head; also friends and family give their favorites. This selection can turn into a real chaos at any given moment, especially when the months go by and the winning name is not yet available. It is not an easy decision.

It could be considered, in fact, as the most important to take with respect to your child before birth. ‘What will it be called?’, Is a question that implies a huge challenge for future parents. This will mark the child for life; that is why it should be given the seriousness it deserves.

Meanwhile, the wide variety does not make selection easier. Between the ancient and modern names, there is a beautiful catalog of options.

The best thing that the expectant mother can do is to relax and not be carried away by external pressures so that she can think clearly. This is an experience that is lived very rarely, so it is fair and necessary that it be of total enjoyment for the parents.

Current trends: names of Greek origin for boys

There are several naming trends for boys that have become popular in recent times. One of them, thanks to the beauty of their meanings, are those of Greek origin.

Greece, being the cradle of great gods and a majestic and important country of antiquity, has become a true phenomenon of epic names. The immortal characters in his story inspire more than one to give the same name to their descendants.

This civilization was of relevance in the Roman Empire. For this reason, the origin of the Greek and Roman names are almost the same. The names of those warriors who starred in epic battles are used many years later by history-loving parents.

The names of Greek origin for boys relate them to values ​​such as intelligence.

A recommendation to choose the appropriate one from the wide variety of names of Greek origin for boys, is to do a little research. The pronunciation of one may be attractive, but its meaning is not. In the following lines, we give you more details about some of them.

Names of Greek origin for boys and their meaning

It is good that, when undertaking the search for your child’s name, you make a small list with the most striking options. From there, the selection will be easier for you. Knowing the meaning of the name, the best decision will surely be made.

Here is a small list of names of Greek origin for boys and their respective meaning:

  • Hector. Name that is identified with the verb ektor , ‘to own for oneself’. This detail highlights the condition of own possession.
  • Hermes. The meaning of his name is ‘the interpreter of the gods’. He was the son of Zeus and served as the messenger of the gods.
  • Alexander.  It means ‘to put aside or to reject’, as well as ‘force’ and ‘man’. He rejects his enemies; he is the protector or victor of men.
  • Uranus. It has a heavenly meaning: ‘heaven; the one who comes from heaven. ‘ Uranus was the god of the heavens, husband of Gaya, goddess of the earth.
    • Christopher. Variant of Khristophoros, meaning ‘the one who carries Christ within’ or ‘the Christ-bearer’. Legend has it that Christopher was patron of travelers and was in charge of helping people cross rivers.
    • Apollo. ‘The one who drives away death’. He was the son of Zeus and Leto; god of the arts of the day and the sun.
    • Leonidas. If your son will be called Leonidas, he will surely be the one ‘who fights like a lion’. Agiad King of Sparta; he found death in 480 BC. C.
    Choosing a baby's name is one of the cutest challenges in motherhood.

    More names that you will love for boys

    Don’t miss out on these names!

    • Elián. From the Greek helios , which means ‘sun’. It represents light, the king of life; the brightest and most luminous.
    • Ares. God of war, he was the son of Zeus and Hera. Its root ‘ar’ means ‘stoop or destroy’; while ‘ará’ means ‘curse’.
    • Dorian. A boy named Dorian will be the ‘descendant of Dorus’. Dorus gave name to the Greek tribe of the Dorians, characterized by their language, society and traditions.

    In short, knowing the origin of the names can lead us to be truly convinced that an option is the right one. In this sense, Greek names give a characteristic and unrepeatable mysticism.

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